Today, November 8, 2016, marks the general election for the 45th US President, and the first time a woman has been a presidential nominee of a major party. For the majority¬†of her adult life, Hillary Rodham Clinton has been in public service, either directly or indirectly. Whether working for the Children’s Defense Fund, fighting for universal health care as First Lady of the United States, serving as a US Senator, or serving as Secretary of State, Secretary Clinton has worked tirelessly to support and improve the lives of women, children, families, and the underserved and underrepresented.
And yet she may be left out of the history books.
At 4:06 pm on May 1, 2011, White House photographer Pete Souza took a photo of President Obama and his national security team–including Secretary Clinton and Director of Counterterrorism Audrey Tomason–as they received updates on Operation Neptune Spear, which ultimately led to the killing of Osama bin Laden. That is the picture above.
The picture below is what was run in the New York-based Hasidic newspaper, Der Tzitung. Notice anything?
This is, sadly, not uncommon. We here at Girl Museum strive to ensure that girls and women remain in the picture, as does the wonderful Rebecca Price of Chick History. Rebecca wrote an article for The Huffington Post shortly after the¬†Der Tzitung edited photo was ran. Read that article to learn about other women who have been written out of history, removed from photos, and generally overlooked because they didn’t fit someone’s desired narrative.
Today, please take a moment to remember all the women that have been written out, even as they continue to make history.
-Katie Weidmann
Social Media Manager
Girl Museum Inc.