We’re excited to announce that Girl Museum’s own E Feinman, alongside colleagues at Rutger’s Department of Childhood Studies, is hosting a virtual symposium March 29-31, 2023. This call for papers is seeking papers that engage with ideas such as
- (Re)defining the “girl” / challenging the bounds of girlhood
- Racializing, queering, transing, and cripping girlhoods
- Possibilities of indigenous and transnational girlhoods beyond the legacies of colonialism
- Semiotics, affect, and aesthetics of girlhood (appropriative, sexualized, or otherwise)
- Girlhood as it (dis)appears in history, media, literature, or art
- Girlhood in public institutions (carceral, educational, governmental) and processes
- Futures of Girlhood Studies as a field or discipline
For more information, including the full CFP, visit The Girlhood Studies Collective at https://www.girlhoodstudiescollective.com.