Essie Shor

While just about everyone has heard the story of Anne Frank, how many have ever heard of Essie Shor and her story as a teenage fighter with the Bielski Partisans?

31 Heroines of March 2010: Grace Darling

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we invite people to submit their girlhood heroines for the Heroines Quilt Project. Read about Grace Darling.

31 Heroines of March 2010: Lily Tomlin

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we invite people to submit their girlhood heroines for the Heroines Quilt Project. Read about Lily Tomlin.

31 Heroines of March 2010: Elizabeth I

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we invite people to submit their girlhood heroines for the Heroines Quilt Project. Read about Elizabeth I.

31 Heroines of March 2010: Alice

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we invite people to submit their girlhood heroines for the Heroines Quilt Project. Read about Alice in Wonderland!

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