The earth is home to 1.1 billion girls. They form a generation of young women who will soon begin to take over and shape the future, acting as an integral force within their communities and the wider world. However, the importance of these girls is often overlooked, their value undermined, and they face unique and often daily challenges based purely on their sex. These challenges take form in the home, schools, and workplace – and they are challenges that threaten their mental, emotional, and often physical well being.
It’s high time that girls are made a global priority, that their rights are championed, and that steps are taken to preserve their unique history and culture.
Girl Museum is the first online museum dedicated to documenting and exploring female experience in all strands of culture and society, while advocating for gender equality throughout the world. Begun in 2009, Girl Museum now hosts over 152,000 visitors per year, and produces exhibitions on a variety of subjects such as STEM fields, surfing, ancient history, music, and art. We also produce the GirlSpeak podcast, create educational activities aligned to U.S. and U.K. curriculums, and publish the e-newspaper Girl News International, dedicated to girl-related news. Our group of interns span the globe, hailing from all across Europe, the Americas, and Asia, while our senior team networked at events in the U.K., U.S.A., New Zealand, and Turkey.
You too can be a part of our mission for global gender equality by supporting our work and joining our community of people committed to female empowerment.
Inspiring the next generation of female leaders, activists and change makers is in your hands.
For as little as $10, your contribution will help keep Girl Museum a safe, virtual space for girls everywhere to engage with, explore, and celebrate their unique history and culture.
Additionally, you can participate in this year’s International Day of the Girl (IDG) and the annual Girls Speak Out event at the United Nations by submitting your story of a challenge you have faced because of your sex.
International Day of the Girl is the 11th of October, and is a day dedicated to celebrating girls across the world, and drawing attention to the challenges and needs they still face. The theme of this years’ IDG is Girls’ Progress = Goals’ Progress: What Counts for Girls, a theme that calls attention to the severe lack of appropriate data and analysis on girls and young women. Without sufficient data, the specific needs of girls are not addressed, and the ability to monitor and assist in their progression is severely restricted. We can and should invest more in girls’ health, safety, education and rights – because in doing so we empower them to build better lives for themselves and their communities.
In gathering stories on girls’ everyday challenges, IDG aims to spread awareness and inspiration, collecting a variety of voices to prove that no girl is truly alone, and that we’re stronger when we come together. A range of the stories will be selected to showcase during IDG 2017 as part of the annual Girls Speak Out event at the United Nations in New York City!
In contributing to either of these projects, you are assisting in the progression of female empowerment and gender equality.
Thank you for considering an investment in Girl Museum or a role in IDG.
-Scarlett Evans
Junior Girl
Girl Museum Inc.