Global Girl Media is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, dedicated to empowering high school age girls from under-served communities around the world through media, leadership, and journalistic training to have a voice in the global media universe and their own futures. GlobalGirl Media invests in girls to become their own agents of change in bridging the gender digital divide, providing concrete skills with which to improve their personal situations. They believe  working with young women around the world to find and share their authentic voice is an investment in our global future.
Como Amar: How to Love is a six-part webisode series from the Los Angeles Global Girl Media reporters that explores local issues that relate to girls.
GlobalGirl Wendy Garcia reports on sex education classes within the Los Angeles Unified School District. In interviewing the director of the LAUSD HIV/AIDS prevention unit, Garcia discovers that crime, obesity, teen pregnancy, self-mutilation and STD infection rates all increase without health education.
You can learn more about Global Girl Media here.