Anna May Wong

Birth Date: January 3, 1905 Death Date: February 3, 1961 Location: Los Angeles, California, USA Monument Type: Historic/Residence A future actress was born in January 1905. The child’s name was Wong Liu Tsong, yet moviegoers would know her as Anna May Wong. Both...

Lisa Macuja-Elizalde

Lisa Teresita Pacheco Macuja-Elizalde was born on October 3, 1964 and is a Filipino prima ballerina. In 1984, she broke barriers for Fillipino dancers by becoming the first soloist foreigner to join the Kirov ballet in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Not only did she dance...

Mary Pickford

Full Name: Mary Pickford Birth Date: April 8, 1892 Death Date: May 29, 1979 Location: Pickford-Fairbanks Studios, Hollywood, California, USA Monument Type: Historic/Residence Mary Pickford’s background did not predict her future as a celebrity. An irony was that...

MC Soffia

Birth Date: 22 February 2004 Location: Maracanã Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Monument Type: historic/residence Soffia Gomes da Rocha Gregório Corrêa, better known by her stage name MC Soffia, is a Brazilian-born rapper and musician who rose to...

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