Born in Germany in 1929, Anne Frank’s family was Jewish. Her first decade witnessed the rise of the Nazi party, which grew to power by blaming Jews (and others) for Germany’s post-World War I problems. High unemployment and poverty were severe, making...
Birth Date: 23rd March 1882 Death Date: 14th April 1935 Location: Noetherstraße, 91058 Erlangen, Germany/University of Erlangen Monument Type: Historic/Residence Walking into a math class can be a frightening experience for anyone! The formulas,...
Full Name: Sophie Magdalena Scholl Birth Date: 9 May 1921 Death Date : 22 February 1943 Location: The Walhalla Temple, Walhalla Strasse 48, Germany Monument Type: Monument/Memorial “How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing...