As a young child I was completely in love with the classic Disney movies. I can admit that as an adult I still am! Though many of the films had beautiful princesses whom I adored, I would have to say that Esmeralda from the Disney film The Hunchback of Notre Dame always really inspired me. She has a fierce attitude that sometimes hides the softness of her personality. She always fought for what she felt was right, even when doing so meant the ultimate sacrifice, and treated everyone with respect and kindness despite how they looked.
She taught me to always fight for what I believed in, that I can be fierce and strong yet gentle, and to never ever judge a book by its cover. These are traits that I like to think have followed me into adulthood, and are definitely things that I would like to pass on to my nieces.
Of course, my love for Esmeralda was intensified by the fact that she had a fiery pet goat named Djali. As a child I was obsessed with having pets and a goat seemed like a wonderful idea at the time. It never eventuated, but who knows what the future holds!