Growing up in the inner city of Los Angeles, California but attending school in an affluent neighborhood sixty minutes away, brought an early onset of identity crisis for myself. I had a hard time finding where I fit in, gaining friends who accepted me and finding my true self. Growing up (in any part of the world) can be filled with tough choices, questions about life and identity.

For me, I found a school program in junior high that helped me find my voice – my inner rock star. It changed my life and opened my world. These programs are necessary! Whether on a school campus or a strip-mall, these programs are important to help empower young girls in finding their inner magic. Girls Rock Vegas was created to do just that.

Founded in 2009 by Heather Rampton, Girls Rock Vegas (a non-profit organization located in Las Vegas, NV) was developed to empower young girls in creation and performance through music! It is one location of many that represent North America and is part of the international locations of Girls Rock Camp Alliance . The Girls Rock Camp Alliance (GRCA) was founded on the principles of community, charity and social-justice. Rampton, an educator and musician herself in the Las Vegas valley, knew that todays’ young ladies faced challenges with self-image and low self-esteem but she also knew that learning to play an instrument was a huge confidence booster. Spurred into action after watching the documentary Girls Rock: The Movie,

Rampton reached out to the GRCA to make a donation and was instead encouraged to offer young girls this unique opportunity in the Las Vegas area. Girls Rock Vegas provides instruments, small group instruction by local musicians and even financial assistance! As many as two-thirds of the enrollees have never even held an instrument, much less played one but that is part of the fun and rock star magic!

The Girls Rock Vegas (and the GRCA) offers in-school programs, host international virtual social events and summer camps to girls ages 9-17 years of age from all over the world. Through its service, young girls are united in small bands, learn an instrument, write and record an original song. At the end of their semester, the girls get to perform their original song in a showcase in front of hundreds of their adoring fans.

Helping to empower girls “one chord at a time” – Girls Rock Vegas and Girls Rock Camp Alliance is more than a vibe, it’s a movement!

Lauren Spenser
Girl Museum

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