I just have simply stopped using that term “women’s issues.” What issues should 51% of the world check out on?
This interview with President and Chief Executive Officer for the Global Fund for Women Kavita N. Ramdas reveals disturbing realities faced by millions of women and children in the world today. But as the leader of the largest grant making foundation in the world focused exclusively on supporting international women’s human rights, she also highlights efforts being made to improve some of these situations.
In the future, quality of life may outweigh the bottom line. By investing in women and girls, we may be able to create the flexible workplace where social needs are met & money is made & people are safe and secure. But the violent responses to any re-prioritization and inclusion of girls that challenges traditional conventions may keep pushing this reality further in to the distant future.
The road is so very long and the problems are global, but change starts at home. True heroes can save the world in a much less dramatic way than our Hollywood expectations. They feed, educate, and protect their children.
Of course it seems more complicated than that.
-Ashley E. Remer
Head Girl
Girl Museum Inc.