The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence started on¬†November 25th with the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ends today, Human Rights Day. Over the last 16 days, the¬†UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign¬†asked that we¬†‚ÄúOrange the world.‚Äù A small step, but one that’s noticable. A bright colour, chosen to be both obvious and cheerful. And today, December 10th, we¬†acknowledge Human Rights Day. I challenge everyone to take a stand, not just today, but every day. Human rights are not something that should just be acknowledged once a year, or when it’s convenient. Human rights only exist when we stand against¬†the challenges thrown at them, every day, every time.
Your stand need not be huge. It can be as simple as asking someone to not be rude to a server in a restaurant. It can be reminding a child to say please and thank you for things. You can sign a petition or join a protest. Or you can speak up to someone harrassing another person for their gender, ethnic background, or religion. In silence, we are complicit.
It‚Äôs time for each of us to step up for human rights. There is no action that is too small: wherever you are, you can make a difference. Together, let‚Äôs take a stand for more humanity” — UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein
-Katie Weidmann
Social Media Manager
Girl Museum Inc.