Dear Reader,
Though June is Gay Pride Month, there are many other things to be proud of in this issue. Kenya has (slightly) changed their abortion laws. A Kiwi girl is actively fighting for her environment. A school girl in Chicago took on her local school board to ensure that her school made menstruation products truly free and accessible. An Iranian girl has the highest Mensa score at only 11 years old.
And yet, as always, there are stories that make us sad, ashamed, or angry. Men tattooing women as property. A lesbian couple being beaten because they wouldn’t “perform” for men. But this month, as we celebrate how far acceptance for the LGBTQIA+ community has come—and mourn how far away universal acceptance still is—I also celebrate the victories that girls have seen. While anger may inspire us to action, pride in our achievements is what keeps us moving forward.
With strength,
-Katie Weidmann
Girl News International