Dear Reader,
We bring good tidings. Girls all over the world are doing great and the future is bright. This is what I would like to open with for once. Not laundry list the victimization, systemic sexism, racism and poverty affecting billions of girls daily/hourly/every second. But here we are. Yet there are glimmers of hope in even the youngest girls standing up for themselves and their beliefs, as well as impossible social changes happening in seemingly intractable areas of the globe. Dive in to this issue to find out more.
With strength and hope,
Ashley E. Remer
Girl New International
Dear Ashley,
My photographic book, WONDER GIRLS: CHANGING OUR WORLD (powerHouse Books, October 2017) documents 15 grassroots groups of activist girls in 13 countries around the world. All the girls are age 10 to 18 and they (102 of them) tell their own stories in their own word My 11-year-old granddaughter was co-author and 100% of our author royalties go to girls around the world via Global Fund for Women, which works in 177 countries. I’d be glad to snail mail you a copy of the book if you would like to consider reviewing the book on GIRL MUSEUM.
Paola Gianturco