Girlhood is a Spectrum


We are pleased to announce an open call for writers and visual artists to contribute to a new exhibition— Girlhood Is a Spectrum.
We invite you to speak on the girlhood flux in the language of poetry, prose, or images. It is up to you how to interpret the theme.

Memories of Girlhood

Memories of Girlhood is a blog-based collaborative project that invites our community to share diary-like blogs detailing a memory from their girlhood.

Incredible Girls

Incredible Girls is about contemporary girls under the age of 25 who are doing awe-inspiring and significant things in the world. Every Friday in 2019, we post a column detailing the life of an Incredible Girl and why you should know about her.


PostHealing PostHealing is an online community that encourages survivors of sexual, child, and domestic violence to heal through making and sharing art. Taking the lead from PostSecret, PostHealing encourages the anonymous sharing of stories and experiences through...


We are a part of everything we have come from. Our ancestors’ experiences created the world that we now inhabit. Often, their lives are described in clues all over our houses. So what can we learn from the tangible objects that have been passed down within our...

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