Criminal Girls: Imelda Cortez and El Salvador abortion laws

A recent court case in El Salvador has again highlighted the restrictive abortion laws in the country. Imelda Cortez, 20, is facing charges of attempting to abort her unborn child. She became pregnant at 18 after being raped by her stepfather. Her baby girl was born...

COMO AMAR: HOW TO LOVE: Episode Two: Fake Clinics

Global Girl Media is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, dedicated to empowering high school age girls from under-served communities around the world through media, leadership, and journalistic training to have a voice in the global media...

2012 Election vs Women’s Rights

In 2008, history was made in the United States. For the first time, a black man was elected president of the United States (and in the primaries he fought Hillary Rodham Clinton, a woman, and Bill Richardson, a Latino). Not only was Barack Hussein Obama...

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