Book Review: Anne of Green Gables
Junior Girl Charlotte Wilson reviews her favorite childhood book, Anne of Green Gables, and reflects on what Anne means to her.
Anne of Green Gables
To celebrate Women’s History Month, we are talking about our girlhood heroines for our sixth Heroines Quilt Project. Read about Anne of Green Gables.
Girlhood heroine: Anne of Green Gables
If I had to answer the question “Who is your girlhood heroine?” I would definitely say Anne of Green Gables! A large part of my childhood, and – I should confess! – part of my adolescence, were affected by this fictional character. The anime...31 Heroines of March 2010: Anne of Green Gables
To celebrate Women’s History Month, we invite people to submit their girlhood heroines for the Heroines Quilt Project. Read about Anne of Green Gables.