Why I Game: Topaz

Rummy is a favourite in our flat! Last September I began university in the middle of a global pandemic! I had romanticised this step into a coming-of-age movie: wild parties, reinventing myself, and possibly a flash mob or two! If these dreams were improbable before,...

Why I Game: James

The first video game I played was Game and Watch for the Gameboy. It started a lifelong love of gaming. It was a family thing, with my dad and sister and I all playing the same games, comparing high scores, and discovering secrets together. It didn’t matter if...

Why I Game: Jessi

Gaming has always been a part of my life. When I was little, my parents would have a family game night at least once a week. At my grandma’s house my brother, cousins, and I would play the Game of Life and Hungry, Hungry Hippo as we waited for the grown-ups to...

Why I Game: Kates

I wasn’t an avid gamer growing up, but the first – and possibly only – truly “in” thing I ever got was an original Nintendo back in 1987. I didn’t have tons of games, and I was terrible at pretty much all of them (except Paperboy;...

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