Film Review: Wadjda

Official Trailer for Wadjda A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to snag tickets to a Saudi Arabian film featuring on the international film festival circuit this year, Wadjda. I tend to find that film festival movies can be hit or miss, but Wadjda turned out to...

Short skirts or trousers only?

Getty Images SKIRTING THE ISSUE: Trouser options have been introduced at some New Zealand high schools, but most girls still opt for skirts. High school girls’ hemlines are one of...

GlobalGirl Media – A New Style of Reporting

A Global Girl reporter believes in the power of her voice to change the world! Appalled by the lack of dialogue, critical awareness or accurate representation of women and girls in new media, a group of female filmmakers, broadcasters and journalists collaborated to...

Chess is for Girls

Bonnie Trafelet for Chicago News Cooperative Chess grandmaster Susan Polgar Every year for the past I don’t even know how many years, it has been my New Year’s resolution to learn to play chess. As you may have discerned from the...

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