Girl Guiding: A Brief History, Part Three

The organisation set up by Agnes and Robert in the UK started to change from 1916 onwards. Robert had married two years before and his wife, Olave Baden-Powell, slowly took over the running of the Girl Guide Association. She soon became the new public face of Girl...

Girl Soldiers: Hannah Snell

Hannah Snell is one of the most famous British female soldiers, gaining notoriety for dressing as a man in order to serve in the British army. While she was pregnant with her first child her husband walked out on her, sadly her daughter died when she was only one year...

Mythological Girls: Guinevere

Guinevere was the wife of the legendary British King Arthur in European mythology. She is known for two stories: her affair with Lancelot and her abduction, although in many versions these tales have become convoluted with one another. It was said that the treachery...

Herring girls

Herring girls (or herring lasses) were groups of women who would travel the east coast of the United Kingdom from as far north as Aberdeen to as far south as Great Yarmouth, following herring as they migrated throughout the year. Herring, sometimes called...

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