True Crime and Girls: Jayme Closs

Jayme Closs, shortly after escaping her captor. Photo by Jennifer Smith. Statistically speaking, if kidnap victims are not found within the first 72 hours, the likelihood of finding them is almost zero. Jayme Closs defied these odds. In October 2018, an intruder broke...

Criminal Girls: Imelda Cortez and El Salvador abortion laws

A recent court case in El Salvador has again highlighted the restrictive abortion laws in the country. Imelda Cortez, 20, is facing charges of attempting to abort her unborn child. She became pregnant at 18 after being raped by her stepfather. Her baby girl was born...

Criminal Girls: Slender Man

Slender Man came into being in 2009 on the Something Awful internet forum. He was portrayed as a paranormal character who abducted children. The photo-shopped photos quickly went viral and inspired fan fiction, cosplay and artwork from around the world. It led to a...

Criminal Girls: The crime of self-defence

The first three posts in this series on girls and crime looked at high profile, controversial cases of girls being convicted of crimes. This post, however, is a little bit different, as I will be discussing a case from Denmark in 2016. In January of that year a 17...

Criminal Girls: Indonesian Rape Trial

In July of this year there was outrage around the world when a 15 year-old girl was imprisoned in Indonesia. Her crime was having an abortion after being repeatedly raped by her brother. She was sentenced to six months in prison, while her brother was sentenced to two...

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