How an Art Museum Can Empower BIPOC Girls to Enact Change

Allan Roche Crite’s painting titled School’s Out featured in Experience America exhibit at SAAM. The Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) is one of the most misunderstood art museums in the DC area for its attachment to the National Portrait Gallery. The...

History Interactive Where Young Voices Advocated For Change

Visitors engaging in interactive. Photo by Lindsay Guarnieri. The most notable exhibits at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture are on the history of slavery and the civil rights movement located on the ground floor below the...

Disappointing new UK passport design fails to represent British women!

The recently unveiled design for the new United Kingdom passport aims to celebrate the nation’s art and culture over the past 500 years. It features a host of famous artists, inventors, architects, mathematicians and writers. So far the new design sounds great,...

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