When I was a child, I loved dolls. Marketers often seem to assume that girls only play with dolls in particular ways: pretending to be adult women, getting married or going shopping. This was never on the agenda for me. I used my dolls to act out stories, and since I...
When I go to YouTube, I watch any film trailer that shows a girl in the screengrab, especially if I’ve never heard of the film. This can lead to a few enjoyable hours researching films, stars and directors I have never heard of. Yet even for a...
Dr. Athena Bellas has a fantastic blog and podcast called Teen Screen Feminism which explores ‚Äì in her words ‚Äì the “non-academic discussion of all the ideas around feminism, screen cultures, and girlhood.” It’s...
Dora Thewlis was born in 1890. She was one of seven children of a working-class family in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. Her parents were proud of her curiosity and integrity. Her mother Eliza described her in glowing terms: “Ever since...