The Japanese Jane Austen

Did you know the world’s first novel was written by a woman? The Tale of Genji was published in Japan around 1000 A.D. and written by Murasaki Shikibu. It is known that Murasaki Shikibu was a lady of the Heian Court and the daughter of a scholar, but her real...

A Girl in Victorian Britain

A girls’ classroom. In Victorian times a girl had few choices when it came to aspirations. The ideal Victorian woman was one who was a housewife and mother‚Äìthe...

Singing among the stars

Sarah Brightman has booked a trip to the International Space Station and hinted at doing a ‘space concert.’ Photo: Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters West End and Broadway and singing...

Who was Kitty Fisher?

Kitty Fisher, by Joshua Reynolds Рher every move was followed by the media From the Daily Mail Online If you thought the kiss-and-tell girl was a 20th/21st century phenomenon then you’d be wrong. Long before the days of Jordon and Monica...

31 Heroines of March 2012: The Spice Girls

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we invited people to submit their girlhood heroines for our second Heroines Quilt Project. Read about the Spice Girls!

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