May 2017 will see South Africa will launch the first private satellite into space from Africa. The fact that a group of school girls are responsible is even more historic. Cape Peninsula University of Technology are responsible for this historic feat. They are trying...
On March 21 of 2015, the Twelfth Annual Explore Your Opportunities‚ÄîThe Sky’s the Limit! Conference took place at the College of Mount Saint Vincent. This conference helped seventh grade girls become more aware of career paths in STEM (Science...
Islin contacted us after she learned about Girl Museum when her friend Kaitlyn Reed Bunker was featured on our blog. I was so excited to hear from another STEM Girl and I enjoyed getting to know Islin a little bit better through emails. I was especially excited...
Valentina Tereshkova was born in the Yaroslavi region of Russia on March 6, 1937. She left school at the age of 16 to begin working at a textile factory, but continued her education by correspondence courses. Her favorite hobby was parachute jumping. It was this hobby...
Kaitlyn Reed Bunker has recently earned her PhD in Electrical Engineering and now works at Rocky Mountain Institute. I recently had the opportunity to talk with her and learn all about her background in STEM. Here is our conversation: Hillary: Why did you decide to...