Musicians AND Mothers

It’s no secret that the music industries, well, all creative industries really, rely pretty heavily on stereotypes. You’e got the whirlwind tornadoes with a rock n roll lifestyle not ready to be tamed, the ones considered crazy or weird, the angelic group...

Flower Boys

It may seem counterintuitive to write about boys on the Girl Museum blog, but hear me out! I was recently in South Korea, and I was amazed at how beautiful some of the male celebrities were, like Taemin from the K-pop band SHINee. I learnt that these men...


I wrote about doll houses in my last post, and thought it was only right that I spent a bit of time on dolls themselves. I have decided not to focus on the use of dolls in rituals or as collectibles, but rather their use as playthings for children...

What Are Little Girls Made Of?

  What does it mean to you to be a girl? Is it the same to be a girl and be ‘girly’? What does being ‚Äògirly‚Äô even mean? What does it mean to be feminine? Tori Cann works with girls in her home town of Norwich,...

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