Letter From the Editor LVII

Dear Reader, I must say that this month was so tremendously overwhelming with terrible news, that it was not only hard to get through, but I felt a little hopeless. But as always, there were plenty of wonderful, heartwarming, and inspirational stories as well. These...

Letter from the Editor LVI

Dear Reader, As my time as an editor of Girl News International is drawing to a close, I can’t help but reflect upon what drew me to joining the GNI team in the first place. There are so many heartbreaking stories out there, and once again, this issue is no...

30 July 2019: The Best Time to be Alive

Image from The Boondocks, on Cartoon Network’s [adult swim]. I spend much of my time immersed in various forms of activism: feminism, environmental and climate issues, social justice, workers’ rights, animal rights, and general politics that’s...

30 June 2019: DeepFakes

Imagine a picture of yourself, happy smile, nice pose, perfect backdrop – and nothing to hide your beauty. Nothing, because you’re naked. You wouldn’t take a picture like that? Oh, don’t worry. You don’t need to. There’s an app out...

Letter From the Editor LV

Dear Reader,Tech is making it easier for women to reach new levels of equality. Women and girls from remote places can team up and meet their challenges together, activists unite and teachers reach their pupils around the globe. But on the other side, new deep fake...

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