Hannah Snell is one of the most famous British female soldiers, gaining notoriety for dressing as a man in order to serve in the British army. While she was pregnant with her first child her husband walked out on her, sadly her daughter died when she was only one year...
Linda Cox was just 18 years old when she wanted to join the Air Force – she had no idea she would go on to make history. Out of the more than 40 women who applied to join with her, she became only one of two women chosen to join the...
When I asked people about the topic of Girl Soldiers one of the first names they responded with was Joan of Arc. She is one of the most well-known women in history who achieved a somewhat notorious reputation, all before dying at the age of 19. There is no specific...
Cross dressing in times of war is a concept that started as far back as Ancient Greece. Women have made use of it both as a means of protecting themselves as well as engaging in military action (women were not allowed to join the military in many countries for many...
Being a woman in a man’s world is never easy: now imagine that world is a fantasy kingdom in which chivalry, might, and the sword rule. Tamora Pierce’s Song of the Lioness quartet follows Alanna, a young girl who wants desperately...