Head Girl Rants: By any other name

Girl. Grrrl. Gurl. Gyrle. It used to mean “child.” It wasn’t until the 1600s that the word “girl” meant only a female child. Why does the word make so many people angry, while for others it is empowering? Like everything else in the...

Film Review: Matilda

I remember the first time I watched Matilda, directed by Danny DeVito; I was 9 years old. I went to a theatre in Veracruz with my parents and as soon as the movie was over and we were back home, I started to stare at things to see if I could move them....

Art Review: Girlhood by Joyce Kozloff

Last week, I had the pleasure of going to Joyce Kozloff’s exhibit, Girlhood, in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood. Girlhood was featured at the DC Moore Gallery from October 5 to November 4. It was an interesting, eclectic...

Teen Screen Feminism, featuring Junior Girl Emily Chandler

Dr. Athena Bellas has a fantastic blog and podcast called Teen Screen Feminism which explores ‚Äì in her words ‚Äì the “non-academic discussion of all the ideas around feminism, screen cultures, and girlhood.” It’s...

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