Every day I read about girls and girl culture. It is my job, and it is my life. Inspiring and uplifting, and yes, very depressing at times. We are still driving a global agenda of perfection and homogeneity. The stories about girls who take their own lives because of...
Girl. Grrrl. Gurl. Gyrle. It used to mean “child.” It wasn’t until the 1600s that the word “girl” meant only a female child. Why does the word make so many people angry, while for others it is empowering? Like everything else in the...
“Express yourself, don’t repress yourself.” Madonna We all hear songs differently at our different ages and stages. Being a young teen when this song came out, I was not in the relationship or self-help headspace yet. So it was more a focus on the...
“Girls don’t drink coffee.” “Girls don’t drive tractors.” When my three-year-old said these two statements, they struck fear into my heart as a feminist, one trying to raise a feminist son. And while I didn’t think all was...
On New Year’s Eve ten years ago I slept on the floor of an empty apartment in Brooklyn. With only my coat for a pillow and blanket, I was pretty sure it was time to leave New York. I had a Masters degree in Art history and sent out over a hundred resumes over...