Celebrating World Teachers’ Day

When you think of celebrating World Teachers’ Day, what teachers come to mind? Maybe a teacher from your younger years who knew all of the best songs and games to help you learn. Or a really great science teacher who guided you through hands-on...

Fashion for Young Ladies in 1883

  Flipping through the pages of a magazine in the grocery check-out line, you would expect to see a variety of articles, including pages about the latest fashion trends. With summer vacation coming to an end in many parts of the world, magazines for teenage girls...

Child Brides: Not So Happily Ever After

Many little girls dream of being a beautiful bride with a fancy white dress, colorful flowers, and dancing the night away with the love of her life. These little girls might even have a pretend wedding, complete with a dandelion bouquet and mommy’s high heels...

Happy Birthday, Juliette Gordon Low

Daisies. Brownies. Cookies. Badges. Friends. If these words bring back warm and fuzzy memories of Girl Scouts, you have Juliette Gordon Low to thank. This Halloween marks 156 years since the founder of Girl Scouts was born in Savannah, Georgia. Juliette was an...

Explore Your World

I have always loved to travel. It started when I was a little girl when my family would take trips to Florida or go camping Up North in Michigan. Once I reached college, I grew to be more independent and found ways to explore new places. My travels have been nothing...

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