16-year-old Ahed Tamimi has been charged with assault after a video of her confronting Israeli soldiers went viral. The Palestinian teenager and her cousin were filmed in an encounter with the soldiers and the video then was widely circulated by Palestinians on social...
Golda Meir was born in the Ukraine but when she was eight years old her family moved to the United States. It was during her time living in the U.S. that she became a committed Zionist (a person who supports the re-establishment of the Jewish nation in Israel today)....
Many countries at one time or another have made it compulsory for people to join their armed forces. Perhaps the most notable use of this was during the Second World War when the United States and other countries brought in conscription in order to secure victory....
Ada E. Yonath was born in Jerusalem in 1939 to a poor family. As a child, she actively investigated the world around her and took an interest in her father’s medical conditions. Her parents enabled her to obtain a formal education at prestigious secular grammar...