A while back, I had an amazing trip to South Korea. Whilst there, I became interested in Korean history and culture, and learnt about the amazing Queen Seondeok of the Silla Empire. The Silla Empire was one of three kingdoms that ruled in the South Korean...
Emily McVitie was born in Cheltenham in 1865. She left school at a young age and went to Scarborough to serve as an apprentice dressmaker. Although starting with unimportant jobs, she learnt quickly and soon became a skilled dressmaker. Emily married Haigh Clapham in...
In parts of the Middle East, riding a bicycle is a strictly male pursuit. In Gaza, for example, unwritten morality rules state that women past puberty must not cycle, in case men should leer at their legs. Amna Suleiman, 33 and originally from Syria, is trying to...
It may seem counterintuitive to write about boys on the Girl Museum blog, but hear me out! I was recently in South Korea, and I was amazed at how beautiful some of the male celebrities were, like Taemin from the K-pop band SHINee. I learnt that these men...
When I heard the Bono had been named a Glamour Magazine’s Woman of the Year, I was confused. Surely the award was for – well – women? I was reminded of the scene in (the always great) Parks and...