Dear Reader, In this month’s paper, we once again run the gamut of articles. Child marriage and rape, human trafficking, child homelessness, child exploitation. But girls have also thrown touchdowns in American Football (a sport they don’t normally get to...
Dear Reader, Though June is Gay Pride Month, there are many other things to be proud of in this issue. Kenya has (slightly) changed their abortion laws. A Kiwi girl is actively fighting for her environment. A school girl in Chicago took on her local school board to...
Dear Reader, Last week’s International Day of the Girl Child is featured prominently in this issue. But we believe that every day is a Girl’s day and a day for change! Meet 12-year-old Palestinian Janna, who undertakes a “Jihad” for girl...
Dear Reader, This issue is all about acknowledging that young women—no matter what race, religion, class, or gender—are ‘real’. It’s an odd thing that, still, in the twenty-first century, girls are having to prove that they are real,...
Dear Reader, There’s a saying that not every fight leads to a victory, but not fighting will guarantee defeat. On Girl News International, we are bringing the many faces and voices of those fights to you, and we try to document the struggle for equality. Some of...