What Fast Fashion is Costing Girls in India

I recently watched The True Cost of Fast Fashion, a powerful documentary about the production of cheap fashion clothes and the exploitation of workers in countries such as India, Bangladesh, China and Thailand. Such countries offer little-to-no workers unions, few...

Being a Good Girl

Recently a lot of articles have cropped up on my news feed centred on the ‘accepted’ behaviours of girls and woman across societies and around the world. One particular article by the BBC, ‘What...

Review: ‘He Named Me Malala’

I’m slightly ashamed to admit I didn’t know all that much about Malala Yousafzai before I saw Davis Guggenheim’s latest venture (director of An Inconvenient Truth). I’d heard...

Drug addiction in girls on the rise globally

A female addict and her son at the U.N. funded Nejat drug rehabilitation center in the old quarter of Kabul. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/01/us-afghanistan-women-drugs-idUSBRE83001H20120401 The primary factors that make girls vulnerable to substance abuse...

Shooting in the name of blind terrorism

Pakistani schoolgirls pray for Malala’s recovery. Photo: AFP http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19899540 On Tuesday October 9th, two days before the International Day of the Girl Child, 14 year-old Malala Yousufzai and two more Pakistani girls were...

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