Memories of Girlhood: Secret Forts

Photo from Building a fort is a favorite childhood pastime. Forts come in all shapes and sizes, from living room blanket forts to backyard tree houses. As a little girl, I loved playing in forts....

Memories of Girlhood: Doing the Snow Dance Growing up in Michigan, snow and ice storms could be expected at any time from late October through April. For many people, these storms mean inconvenience:...

Builders and Babes in Toy Land, Part 2 A baby doll for learning about breastfeeding can be seen as either innovative or creepy. I’m a fan of breastfeeding. I think it’s rolled up with the other gender-based issues in our society. Toy stores and many parents groom...

Builders and Babes in Toy Land

Goldie Blox brings engineering to girls‚Äô playtime I haven’t been this excited for a new toy in over a decade. Adults get excited about their toys, too‚Äîan iPod, a new camera with more megapixels, or gaming...

Playing Outdoors: An Important Part of Girlhood?

Girls today have many options when it comes to toys and play activities. Just look at any online retailer with a page labeled “girls” and find everything from electronics to arts and crafts kits. While these playthings can be...

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