An Inconvenient Woman

Today, November 8, 2016, marks the general election for the 45th US President, and the first time a woman has been a presidential nominee of a major party. For the majority of her adult life, Hillary Rodham Clinton has been in public service, either...

Interview with Rebecca Price, founder of Chick History

When Head Girl Ashley Remer told us that she would be doing a podcast for #HerStory, we were all excited. Rebecca Price created Chick History and the #HerStory podcast to celebrate all the women in history who have been overlooked in favor of their male...

Head Girl Ashley E. Remer on #HerStory Podcast

Here at Girl Museum, we’re interested in girls of all ages, from all generations, and from all places (you might know that already). Well, Rebecca Price over at Chick History¬†feels much the same. She created Chick History to explore and share the...

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