Mythological Girls: Saint Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene, also known as Mary of Magdala, was one of Jesus’s most famed disciples. She features in each of the four texts included in the Christian New Testament. She has caused much conflict in Christianity, with certain denominations...

Girl Soldiers: Joan of Arc

When I asked people about the topic of Girl Soldiers one of the first names they responded with was Joan of Arc. She is one of the most well-known women in history who achieved a somewhat notorious reputation, all before dying at the age of 19. There is no specific...

Mythological Girls: Lilith

The story of Lilith appears in a variety of cultures throughout history, mostly as a vampire or demon of some form. The earliest mention of Lilith is in a Sumerian epic poem, dated to about 2000 B.C., though most of our knowledge of Lilith comes primarily from Jewish...

A Girl in Tudor England

When you think of Tudor England, you probably jump to some of its most famous girls: Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth I, or Mary Queen of Scots. These were all noble girls, whose opportunities were greater because of their families’ wealth. Yet, though...

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