Princess Eugenie Mikhailovna Shakhovskaya

Princess Eugenie Mikhailovna was born in 1889 close to the then capital of Imperial Russia, St. Petersburg. Little is known about Eugenie’s early life, but it is recorded that her father was a Baron and owned several textile and fabric mills. There is no record...

Marina Yurlova

Marina Yurlova was born in 1901 in the small village of Raevskaya in the Caucasus region of what was then Imperial Russia. Marina grew up amongst the horse-loving and sword wielding people known as the Cossacks. By the age of fourteen, Marina knew how to yield a sword...

Being a Good Girl

Recently a lot of articles have cropped up on my news feed centred on the ‘accepted’ behaviours of girls and woman across societies and around the world. One particular article by the BBC, ‘What...

STEM Girls: Maria Antonina Czaplicka

Maria Antonina Czaplicka was born on October 25, 1884, in the Stara Praga district of Warsaw, Poland, to an impoverished Polish nobility family. Little is known of her early life, but eventually she went to study at Flying University, an underground institution of...

STEM Girls: Valentina Tereshkova

Valentina Tereshkova was born in the Yaroslavi region of Russia on March 6, 1937. She left school at the age of 16 to begin working at a textile factory, but continued her education by correspondence courses. Her favorite hobby was parachute jumping. It was this hobby...

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