International Youth Day and the Rio Olympics

The 12th of August is observed worldwide as International Youth Day. Set up by the UN in 2000, International Youth Day aims to draw attention to the cultural and legal issues experienced by young people across the globe. Themed by the UN, the title of this...

Visible Girls?

Anita Corbin’s recent and retrospective exhibition Visible Girls: Revisited came into my life recently as a clipping from a newspaper, sent from Spain by my mum. The project is close to my heart, as when I am not involved in Girl Museum projects I...

What Are Little Girls Made Of?

  What does it mean to you to be a girl? Is it the same to be a girl and be ‘girly’? What does being ‚Äògirly‚Äô even mean? What does it mean to be feminine? Tori Cann works with girls in her home town of Norwich,...

Is This Girl Already ‘Up’?

Issues facing girls across the world have increasing been the topic of global projects, and indeed adverts, from the United Nations to Nike, suggesting that girls can (and should) be able to achieve much in life. While making the realities of life as a girl forefront...

What Fast Fashion is Costing Girls in India

I recently watched The True Cost of Fast Fashion, a powerful documentary about the production of cheap fashion clothes and the exploitation of workers in countries such as India, Bangladesh, China and Thailand. Such countries offer little-to-no workers unions, few...

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