Girls in the Slave Trade

Editor’s Note: I’m sad to say that, 3 years later, it feels as though the United States is sliding backwards. Instead of facing the horrors of the past and vowing to do better, as Germany has done in regards to the Holocaust (there’s an excellent...

Ankle Bracelet

  It’s pretty, this little bracelet. Looks like many bangles I see young girls wearing. Would you want to wear it? You only have to sign away your life. This ankle bracelet was worn by a girl slave in Niger. And she lived within your lifetime. Originally...

Harriet Tubman: Abolitionist, Humanitarian, Spy

In third grade, I picked up a biography of Harriet Tubman, and ever since I’ve been fascinated by her life. In school I learned Tubman was a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad. She escaped slavery in Maryland by entering the free state of Pennsylvania....

Cotton Picking Girls

  One day, Winslow Homer visited Petersburg, Virginia, and decided to study the life of rural African-Americans. At a time when the South was still recovering from the Civil War and the legacy of slavery was fresh in everyone’s minds, Homer sought to...

Harem Girls

Sex slavery is sanctioned in the Quran. Mohammed had three concubines and made sure his male followers had their share as well. However, the Quran also says that rape is forbidden, so presumably everyone had to consent. Like all religions that privilege males, some...

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