Celebrating World Teachers’ Day

When you think of celebrating World Teachers’ Day, what teachers come to mind? Maybe a teacher from your younger years who knew all of the best songs and games to help you learn. Or a really great science teacher who guided you through hands-on...

IDG 2016: Girls’ Progress = Goals’ Progress

In 2011, the UN declared the 11th of October as the International Day of the Girl, to empower girls and to acknowledge the discrimination and inequality girls face on a global, and staggering, scale. The theme for the 2016 International Day of the Girl is Girls’...

Thanking Tender (and Terrifying) Teachers

In 1995, October 5th was proclaimed to be World Teachers’ Day by UNESCO–a day set aside to celebrate teachers and all that they do for their pupils. This year, World Teachers’ Day arrives three...

Education for All Report

  One of the stories in our April News Roundup episode of GirlSpeak¬†featured the latest report from UNESCO. Entitled ‚ÄúEducation for All 2000-2015: Achievements and Challenges,‚Äù the report reviews the progress...

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