We have Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, Ariel, Merida, and Elsa. And now, 37 years after she made her debut, Princess Leia is joining the roster of Disney Princesses.
In October of 2012, Disney purchased Lucasfilm, giving them the rights to the Star Wars universe (you might have heard that a new trilogy is being produced, with the first movie due out in 2015). In May of this year, a parent was informed by the Disney Store that “there are no plans for Leia products.” However, a Twitter campain, #WeWantLeia, seems to have changed that, with a later announcement stating that there are now several planned items featuring Leia.
Leia is an incredible role model: independent, strong, a politician, a diplomat, a spy, and a warrior. She saves herself, she saves Han and Luke, and in many ways, she even saves the day. Yes, she also needs rescuing herself at times, but she’s independent, feisty and above all, human.
Here’s hoping Disney doesn’t “princessify” Leia too much.
For an interesting take on Leia, read “Women in Science Fiction Week: Princess Leia: Feminist Icon or Sexist Trope?”
-Katie Weidmann
Junior Girl
Girl Museum Inc.