Our congrats to 11 year-old¬†Agnieszka Kolaczynska of Wales! On November 13, Agnieszka won the ‚ÄúOnes to Watch‚Äù award for ages 11-15 at the National Youth Film Festival in London. Her films, titled¬†My Little Sister‚ÄìWho Happens To Have Down’s Syndrome, focus on documenting their lives in Wales and what they find interesting.
Agnieszka‚Äôs films are truly inspirational. She is a self-taught filmmaker, loving how films can make people question and think about what they know and the world around them. And at the age of 10, Agnieszka is changing how people think about Down’s Syndrome, home schooling, and a myriad of other topics. She is constantly producing new creative endeavors: having made over 6 films about her sister in the past 2 years, she is also an active blogger and reviews books and films on her website. Additionally, Agnieszka is also a spelling whiz. Last year, she placed 1st in Wales, 7th in the UK, and 31st worldwide in the World Education Games spelling championships. She finished ahead of 1.5 million other children from 200 countries!
A big CONGRATS! to Agnieszka, a truly inspirational girl. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!
-Tiffany Piotti
Junior Girl
Girl Museum Inc.