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Afghan Girls and Women are Being Silenced, Literally

Afghan Girls and Women are Being Silenced, Literally

As I reflect on my journey, I'm taken back to the day that changed everything. I was in seventh grade, and the Taliban had forbidden me from pursuing further education. But I refused to give up. I continued to attend school in secret, along with a few brave friends....

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Empower Your Child as a Docent in an Art Museum

Empower Your Child as a Docent in an Art Museum

Edgar Degas famous sculpture titled Little Dancer Aged Fourteen featured at the National Gallery of Art. What would your child have to say about this sculpture as your personal docent? Photo Credit: Lindsay Guarnieri While researching how art museums can engage...

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How an Art Museum Can Empower BIPOC Girls to Enact Change

How an Art Museum Can Empower BIPOC Girls to Enact Change

Allan Roche Crite’s painting titled School’s Out featured in Experience America exhibit at SAAM. The Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) is one of the most misunderstood art museums in the DC area for its attachment to the National Portrait Gallery. The National...

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Learning Language at the Museum through Song

Learning Language at the Museum through Song

Learn new words with your child in the Where Do Words Come From interactive exhibit! Photo credit Lindsay Guarnieri. Have you ever heard of an entire museum dedicated to learning about languages and linguistics?! Planet Word is a unique museum and the only one of its...

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A Brief Tour of Washington DC’s Unpopular Museums

A Brief Tour of Washington DC’s Unpopular Museums

Did you know that the theatre that President Lincoln was assassinated in is located in DC? Not only that, but that it is a functional theatre that puts on musicals and plays and a museum on the history of President Lincoln and how the background of the assassination...

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Afghan Girls Are No Longer Visible

Afghan Girls Are No Longer Visible

The sky above Kabul was a deep, foreboding grey, as if the sun had long ago abandoned us. The clouds hung low, like a mournful veil, casting a shadow over the city's empty streets forever. This was not the same Kabul I had grown up in, where I had seen hope. The...

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Museums Engaging the Little Artists of the World

Museums Engaging the Little Artists of the World

Washington DC, is known for being home to the most museums within the Smithsonian Institution. Most people see the Smithsonian museums as the Natural History Museum, the National Zoo, and the National Air and Space Museum. However, the Smithsonian has many art museums...

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How Art Museums Can Engage the Future Female Artists

How Art Museums Can Engage the Future Female Artists

As an avid visitor of art museums, I find that most visitors who come to art museums are adults-only groups or adults with older children. When researching this article, I found that much of the internet views art museums as less child-friendly. I find this surprising...

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Why We Need Girls’ Studies: Elizabeth Dillenberg

Why We Need Girls’ Studies: Elizabeth Dillenberg

Welcome to Girl Museum’s interview series, Why We Need Girls’ Studies, for 2024. We have many exciting interviews this year with important scholars in the field to get insights about what we are all doing in this space to further our understanding of girlhood and...

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Why Art Museums Are Important Spaces For the Young Girls

Why Art Museums Are Important Spaces For the Young Girls

According to researchers, female artists make up about 13% of the artists featured in art museums (Braz, Camberg, Ellis 2022). This number was not surprising to me. In Washington, D.C., the National Women in the Arts Museum is dedicated to featuring female artists who...

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