Girl News International

Dear Reader,
Statements or stereotypes? There really is a fine line, as new research from Stanford University proves. This research reveals that even well-meaning language, when applied to young women and girls, can actually become demeaning, spread stereotypes and unintentionally perpetuate certain biases. Of course, here at Girl News International, we work hard to showcase and celebrate girls all over the world who are breaking down these stereotypes and dismantling the biases against them. The recent #SheInnovates Africa Festival in Capetown, jam-packed with strong young women innovators, entrepreneurs and future leaders, is a perfect example of this. Yet, it doesn’t stop there, and this issue brings to light many powerful stories, including that of a Syrian Refugee trainee lifeguard who is working to make Australia’s beaches multilingual and inclusive for all. For others, as always, the battle continues, and this issue casts a keen and supportive eye on those young women who are still yet to break the stigma. We can help by reading, sharing and refusing to believe the hype of stereotypes. As ever, we thank you for ongoing support.

With strength & hope,
-Megan Sormus & Ashley E. Remer
Girl News International 






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