Hello! My name’s Charlotte and I live in England. I graduated last year with a Masters degree in English Literature. Within my studies, I was drawn to nineteenth-century literature and developed a particular interest in the relationship between women, medicine and health. Some of my favourite authors included Wilkie Collins, Jane Austen, and the Brontë sisters.
Growing up I was a keen bookworm and was inspired to create my own characters and stories. I continue to enjoy reading and writing today and aspire to one day publish my own book. I also enjoy listening to podcasts, walking, and attempting to improve my baking abilities!
I’m currently unsure what my dream job would be, but I love the idea of doing something creative. Sharing my love of books, literary history, and storytelling is my ultimate goal. I’m also passionate about education and would love to help develop accessible, fun, and interesting ways to share knowledge.
My favourite museum is the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. I have visited many times and am always impressed by the beautiful building and extensive collections. I particularly enjoy the Theatre and Performance department. I love theatre, so the opportunity to examine a wide range of theatrical materials is particularly interesting. My favourite objects in the collection are the costumes used in The Lion King musical.
Unfortunately, girls today face many issues. In my opinion, one of the biggest problems is the persistent gender stereotyping enforced on young children. The messages children receive from social forces, including toys, books, and clothes, create expectations on how different genders should behave. For instance, role play toys are mainly marketed to girls, while construction and technology toys are aimed at boys. These differences influence children’s beliefs that their behaviour, likes and dislikes should follow gendered expectations. This early experience in childhood risks creating an enduring set of beliefs that continue into adulthood.
-Charlotte Wilson
Junior Girl
Girl Museum Inc.