Girl Museum is all about celebrating girls in the world. Through their achievements, strength, and resolve, we honor their power to create themselves and change the future. Every March, Women’s History is remembered throughout the world. We are commemorating 2019 with a mini exhibition of photographs by Emanuela Caso. Both provocative and emotive, these seven images of girls are taken from her larger body of work called Women, thus our show is called Girls of Women. Join us in celebrating girls and women this and every month.

“Beauty, inner strength, and spirituality are the common thread of this photographic project. Women, their qualities and their expressions, are still a long journey to explore, to know intimately, in order to appreciate not only the appearance shown by an image, but the innumerable emotions associated with a human being. A wonderful and impenetrable universe, most often full of fears, fragility and strength that coexist in a delicate balance, suspended in a timeless limbo.”
– Emanuela Caso
The WOMEN project was inspired by the tragic fire at Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City on March 25, 1911. It was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city, killing 146 people, mostly immigrants. Greatly affected by this story, Emanuela produced WOMEN to honor the work and sacrifices of those who came before us, women of today and tomorrow.
For more information about the WOMEN show, click here.
About the Artist (English)
Emanuela was born in Rome on June 15th, 1984. She obtained an arts diploma with a major in painting at the Istituto S. Giuseppe di Grottaferrata. Her journey into the art world began with oil painting and artistic references to Amedeo Modigliani and Vasilij Vasil’evič Kandinskij. These early steps soon lead her to photography. At the age of twenty-two she approached the field of fashion as a booker, event organizer and assistant for well-known advertising agencies. This sparked her interest in great masters of fashion like Peter Lindbergh and Richard Avedon. Emanuela combined her love for fashion works of art and photography and started to work on photo stories. In 2015 she took up photojournalism, documenting people’s journeys around the world and the everyday life of women in Mexico. Some of these photo stories explore future possibilities for Emanuela’s WOMEN project. Currently Emanuela Caso is working on this project, documenting the role of women and the social differences between the West and the East in collaboration with Museums and Galleries around the world.
For more about Emanuela, visit her Facebook page or email her.
About the Artist (Italian)
Emanuela è nata a Roma il 15 giugno 1984. Ottiene il Diploma superiore artistico con una direzione di pittura presso l’Istituto S. Giuseppe di Grottaferrata. Inizia un breve viaggio nella pittura ad olio con riferimenti artistici ad Amedeo Modigliani e Vasilij Vasil’evič Kandinskij. Il viaggio attraverso la pittura antica si trasforma in fotografia. Interrompe gli studi all’Accademia d’Arte per approdare al mondo della moda come booker, organizzatrice di eventi e assistente per agenzie pubblicitarie importanti. Segue con interesse i grandi maestri della moda come Peter Lindbergh, Herb Ritts e Richard Avedon. L’ispirazione per la moda artistica si evolve in una fotografia di reportage. Nel 2015 intraprende la passione per il fotogiornalismo ed il reportage di viaggio, documentando la condizione delle donne del mondo estrapolando i primi scatti sulla vita quotidiana delle donne in Messico. Alcune delle opere diventeranno un’indagine per il futuro progetto WOMEN. Attualmente Emanuela Caso è ancora attiva per lo stesso progetto che documenta il ruolo delle donne e le differenze sociali tra Occidente e Oriente, collaborando con Musei e Gallerie fotografiche del mondo. Oltre la fotografia indirizzata all’Universo femminile e la ritrattistica culturale si dedica a convegni e conferenze rappresentando i temi delle donne, la loro condizione e personalità.