On Tuesday October 9th, two days before the International Day of the Girl Child, 14 year-old Malala Yousufzai and two more Pakistani girls were assaulted while returning home from school in Swat Valley. A Taliban gunman opened fire against the unsuspected schoolgirls and Malala was wounded in the head and the neck. Luckily all the girls survived the irrational attack; one having fully recovered and the other two remaining in critical condition. The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have taken responsibility for the assassination attempt and told a Pakistani newspaper that “Malala was shot because ‘she was a ‚Äòsecular-minded lady’ and that this should serve as a warning for other young people like her.”
I had a terrible dream yesterday with military helicopters and the Taleban. I have had such dreams since the launch of the military operation in Swat. My mother made me breakfast and I went off to school. I was afraid going to school because the Taleban had issued an edict banning all girls from attending schools.
Only 11 students attended the class out of 27. The number decreased because of Taleban’s edict. My three friends have shifted to Peshawar, Lahore and Rawalpindi with their families after this edict.
On my way from school to home I heard a man saying ‘I will kill you’. I hastened my pace and after a while I looked back if the man was still coming behind me. But to my utter relief he was talking on his mobile and must have been threatening someone else over the phone.