The Daughter, the Wife, and the Mother of a King

Gorgo was the Queen of Sparta and wife to Leonidas I, the king who led his 300 Spartan soldiers (along with over 6000 Greek soldiers) to the battle of Thermopylae. She was the only known child of King Cleomenes (her husband’s half-brother) and while...

Mythological Girls: Eris

Eris is the goddess of Strife in Greek mythology, who appeared in a variety of ancient stories but was best known for her involvement in the Judgement of Paris. Her role is essentially to be the personification of conflict; both internally and with others. The name...

Akrotiri’s Young Priestess

When I first declared as a Classical Antiquities major, I was eager to learn more about the great minds of ancient Greece. Stories about men like Socrates, Pericles, and Alexander the Great fueled my ardent desire to learn more about Greek history. Upon enrolling in...

Ariadne and the early instance of positive PR

You probably heard the phrase Ariadne’s thread and maybe you are familiar with the story of a minotaur but are you sure you know how it ends? Ariadne was a daughter of the Cretan king Minos, who famously asked Daedalus to build a labyrinth which...

Mythological Girls: Pandora

The story of Pandora, as it is commonly known, tells of a naive young bride who was gifted a box by Zeus following her marriage to Epimetheus but was told that she could never open it. After her curiosity got the better of her, she opened the box and...

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