Rebekah’s Sampler

  For decades, young girls created a sampler to show their skills and knowledge. This particular sampler features a variety of scenes, decorative elements, and text embroidered onto the fabric. A product like this was equivalent to today’s final exam or...

The First Day of School

Many of us have a memory of a first day of school. Whether donning a backpack filled with crayons and glue for preschool, hopping on the bus for the first time as a kindergarten student, or entering the intimidating halls of high school as a 9th grader, the first day...

Why we still need John Berger‚Äôs “Ways of Seeing‚Äù

A woman is always accompanied, except when quite alone, and perhaps even then, by her own image of herself. … From earliest childhood she is taught and persuaded to survey herself continually. She has to survey everything she is and everything she...

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